The next book in the series.
Summery - We join currently prego Lizzie O'Mally and her struggle with dealing with a broken heart, Managing a job, and a new baby. Lizzie hasn't had it easy and she's made sacrifices. Without her family I am sure it would be much harder on her.
Rating - 4/5 stars. The first book was amaze-balls. The second one, does not disappoint. Im really hard on the books I read. I either love them or hate them. I certainly don't hate this one.
Genre - New Adult.
Language - Yes, this author likes to swear. Its good for the soul.
About this book - Lizzie is coming to terms to growing up, and a pregnancy will make anyone grow up fast.
Lizzie goes on this journey to find herself, and tries to find a way to deal with her broken heart. As a woman, I know the only way to deal with a broken heart is time, plain and simple.
Its an act of letting go, and then dealing with even that part. Who hasn't gone through that. Growing up is like being water, and water is flexible. What water doesn't have is emotions; and emotions run deep.
I can't say enough how this book really hits the human emotions pretty hard. Alisa really nails it on the head, every time.
Life is messy, and Lizzie is doing the best she can, she will undoubtedly fall down and make stupid mistakes, but she is grown up enough to deal with it.
When she meets Nick, she's slammed with instant attraction but can't really quite bring herself to act on it. Understandable after all she has been through. Guys are total dunceheads sometimes.
Nick is patient, he's the kind of guy that's borne right out of Texas. Get's the door's. Pays for meals and thank god he doesn't strut around in cowboy boots. He isn't to obnoxious which is saying ALOT.
One thing that I am glad for is that Lizzie doesn't run into Teagan while she is on her quest to letting him go. That would just suck! in far more ways than one. I couldn't really see how that would play out with her son Niall.
Everyone knows I am not big into spoilers. Im seriously not, but with Lizzie keeping Nick in the friend zone. It drives me nuts, because Lizzie litteraly needs to be smacked in the face at some point. When everyone is telling her. "That guy is crazy about you."
So lets fastfoward over it the details. Spoiler, spoiler spoiler DRAMA!
Really I thought this book was going to end with the Happily Ever After. Other wise known as the HEA. Things are great for Lizzie and Nick. Like the sappy, lets decorate the house and hope the russian mafia doesn't come and get you kind.
The twist at the end made me eyeroll for a moment, but I really want to know what happens next. If SPOILER, does SPOILER and gets SPOILER and I hope SPOILER!
Sorry guys. I can't give those details away. Its not in my game plan. You'll just have to read it.
I laughed with Lizzie, I cried with Lizzie and I wanted to shake her for being so stupid. In the end I completely understand why she did what she did.
Now the big question.Would I let my grandma read this series. YES! Absolutely! I'd recommend it to my mom. If only to hand her tissues when she cries and comfort her with "I know honey. Lets bust out the truffles and you can tell me all about it."
In all seriousness. This book series slams home on so many levels. Not many authors writes about how it really is in relationships. Most glam it up with impossible scenario's. All I want to see, is Lizzie happy with herself and with her life.
Read this book! Read the first one! and get ready for the last one!
Addicted To Romance Novels
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Unsettled - Alisa Mullen
Lets talk a little bit about this book.
Summery - Its told as a first person book. Of a 22 year old looking for herself, finding a gorgeous group of Irishmen and one in particular sweeps her off of her feet.
Lizzie O'Mally is your typical young woman, once burned by love; and falls in love with Teagan. It's your classic boy meets girl kind of thing.
Lizzie O'Mally is your typical young woman, once burned by love; and falls in love with Teagan. It's your classic boy meets girl kind of thing.
Genre - New Adult
Rating - I'd force my child to read this if she were old enough. (She's 8)
Sexual Content - It is not graphic in any sense, and that's perfect for this kind of story. The Author treats you like you are an adult and doesn't need to get down and dirty with graphic details.
Language - The language is very liberal in its use. No joke, could put a dirty sailor to shame and that's why its so funny and enjoyable.
I've heard they say that swearing is a good stress reliever. Alright give it a go! Swear as much as you'd like now and get it out of your system. I'll wait.
So let's delve into it. Seriously, I felt like I was reading/living through someones else's memories; and I have a quite a lot of the bitter sweet kind from the Marines. In fact I think that's why I related so much to the story that Alisa has written.
You can go up and down in life, and but in the end. Its choices; and Lizzie has had to make some hard choices in this book, The kind no one should have to make; but she makes the right choice that is for her.
As for Teagan he's emotionally stable and they both entered into the relationship knowing what they wanted from each other; but he hurt her; and what grates on my nerves is he really doesn't do anything to apologize. Sort of just accepts it and tries to deal with what happens as an adult, with which I can relate. Which is more than I what I can say about some men I have met or have heard about.
When I got near the end of this book. I was wrecked emotionally. I really was. Short of snotting all over myself with tears and wanting to give Teagan a quick but hard swift kick to his baby maker.
This book has some core values, some really hard lessons in life. In the end its all about family and choices. I could wax on and on about my own personal memories and drama, but no one wants to hear that. That's how hard this book hit me. Like a brick to the side of the head while getting sucker punched in my lady bits.
I throughly enjoyed this book, as in I absolutly loved it! and I can't wait for the next one!
Alisa Mullen isn't an author to be missed!
Find Unsettled by Alisa Mullen on Amazon HERE.
Stay up to date on NEW RELEASES
from Alisa Mullen including part two of The Chosen Series on 3.22.14!
Connect with Alisa on Facebook HERE.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Return to Kadenburg Blog Tour
T. E.
Tonya Elizabeth Ridener was born on November
5th, 1985 in Corbin, KY at the old Corbin Hospital. She was baby B of two
beautiful twin girls. She has an older brother named James and he's a
volunteer fire fighter. She has utmost respect for the men and women
in uniform, and is incredibly grateful for their sacrifices. She also has
a wonderful sister-in-law, Barb, whom she considers to be one of her very best
friends and greatest muses. Her nephew is 10 and her niece is 8.
She couldn't be more thrilled that they are both growing up to be terrifically
nerdy-just like her
Tonya is a 2004 graduate of Corbin High School, and while she is proud that she has that diploma, her struggle to make it through high school was definitely not easy. Her parents divorced at 15, and she went through a great deal of depression and anxiety-but she survived! A saying that has stuck with her since then is, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', and she is a firm believer in that.
Tonya has always enjoyed writing. At the age of 11, she wrote her first fanfiction that involved the Hansons. At 14, she wrote a horror story that involved all of her 8th grade classmates and the story was so popular among the teens, that by the time the binder made it back to her, it was nearly in tatters. She has written various poetry and essays in her lifetime, one of those poems earned her a $75 prize
and another one she wrote about September 11th occasionally makes its way into
the local newspaper every other year.
Tonya is unmarried, and has no children of her own; but the way she sees it is that her books are her babies and she will continue to pop 'em out at every opportunity!
She loves reading, writing, watching movies and tv, and spending time with her family. She's also self taught with photoshop and video editing. When the holidays roll around, Tonya takes a break from writing to immerse herself in the amazing community of Reddit, where she is the co-founder and co-owner of Random Acts of Christmas. RAoC is an online charity that provides Christmas to children in need. In 2013, their third year open, they gave over $69,000 in toys and clothing to children that otherwise would not have had a Christmas.
Tonya was in JROTC all throughout her high school career, and she also loved singing in choir during her elementary days. She loves all animals, but she's not a big fan of bees or spiders. Her worst fear is debatable; she doesn't really like heights, yet she loves roller coasters, and she's scared of fish. (Don't ask.) Her favorite drink is a toss up between Sweet Tea and coffee
(gotta have that coffee!). When she's not deeply engrossed in writing,
she's usually browsing the interwebs, and she absolutely LOVES talking with her
readers. "Without my family, friends, and fans; I think I'd be
one sad puppy."
Ridener. Return to
Rating 4.5 Stars
Adult content – Smexy in an animal kind of way!
Family ties are important, anyone can say so. But more so of
those from small towns and close connections; where family isn’t about just
blood. But connections, and relatives, small town secrets.
Ridener packs a punch! Emphasis on pack.
Really I don’t give much stock into “ware” anything theses
days, with so many authors jumping on the band wagon, but I am glad Ridener
did! This second installment makes me long for long nights sitting out the
back porch with a cold sweaty glass of lemonade in my hand and a half naked
cabana boy at my beck and call with a hefty dose of male stripper making animal
sounds for my vast amusement? Was that too much? Naaa.
With the war escalating, I really just kept clinging to Presley and Lorcan’s story. I wanted to scream in frustration,
then yell at the bad guy. Seriously, that guy is pretty messed up in the
head. Im huge in not giving away spoilers. I feel it really ruins the book for
I feel that books in general should be viewed from a clean
and fresh perspective. Following up on the book and coming from a small town
myself. Secrets upon secrets are either surprisingly easy kept, via swept under
the rug of good intentions or kept by the whole town as a huge secret out for
the greater good. Shhh no spoilers right.
Bears and Wolves- Just how much animalistic behavior can
shifters have? No, stop comparing the Sookie Stackhouse series here, people.
This is completely different, we don’t have Sookie cookies running amok and
causing mass mayhem.
Once the truth outs,
and things get pretty hot and heavy. It’s a simple matter of acknowledging the
truth, in which I am anticipating the roof being blown off in the next
installment. Not kidding. I suspect things will go from, oh crap, to Oh
S(*&T! in about 3.2 seconds.
If you haven’t read
these books. You need to!
Thanks for joining me
on the book tour!
Keep reading for
information on the author.
About the Author
Tonya is a 2004 graduate of Corbin High School, and while she is proud that she has that diploma, her struggle to make it through high school was definitely not easy. Her parents divorced at 15, and she went through a great deal of depression and anxiety-but she survived! A saying that has stuck with her since then is, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', and she is a firm believer in that.
Tonya has always enjoyed writing. At the age of 11, she wrote her first fanfiction that involved the Hansons. At 14, she wrote a horror story that involved all of her 8th grade classmates and the story was so popular among the teens, that by the time the binder made it back to her, it was nearly in tatters. She has written various poetry and essays in her lifetime, one of those poems earned her a $75 prize

Tonya is unmarried, and has no children of her own; but the way she sees it is that her books are her babies and she will continue to pop 'em out at every opportunity!
She loves reading, writing, watching movies and tv, and spending time with her family. She's also self taught with photoshop and video editing. When the holidays roll around, Tonya takes a break from writing to immerse herself in the amazing community of Reddit, where she is the co-founder and co-owner of Random Acts of Christmas. RAoC is an online charity that provides Christmas to children in need. In 2013, their third year open, they gave over $69,000 in toys and clothing to children that otherwise would not have had a Christmas.
Tonya was in JROTC all throughout her high school career, and she also loved singing in choir during her elementary days. She loves all animals, but she's not a big fan of bees or spiders. Her worst fear is debatable; she doesn't really like heights, yet she loves roller coasters, and she's scared of fish. (Don't ask.) Her favorite drink is a toss up between Sweet Tea and coffee

You can find more
information on Rideners books here.
Facebook Link -
Website -
Buy the next book
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Escaping Destiny
I'm addicted to Romance Novels, of all genre's.
Rating: Super Hot, must be over 18+ Years old. Yes, I'd recommend this to any of my friends who suffer from Romance addiction.
That may include my Aunt, Mom and Grandma too.
Recently Ive come across a lovely self published author doing a rather pointed search for Romance and Fae, and my first initial thoughts upon reading the first novel was this. "Oh my god is HAS to be Karen Marie Moning writing as under a pseudonym"As I found myself comparing the two, then stopped and tapped my nook after finishing the book to see if there was another novel to continue the series. It totally wasn't Karen and I had this new found joy of finding a gem in a sea of writers and countless vampire Stories
To my utter joy! There was a second novel!
I couldn't wait to read the adventure of Syn and Ryder, at first to figure out what Ryder was. Sure he was hiding his uniqueness, and then things shifted focus on Syn and what she was. It all comes to a head in the third book, and doesn't hold back any punches or lack for detail.
I loath giving out spoilers to those who haven't read this series, and I am HUGE in support self published authors and I have read ALOT of authors over the years, and recently decided to start doing book reviews, I am so happy that I have this opportunity to read this book and write a review about it.
Syn and Ryders story base around the magical world of the fae and a somewhat seemingly prophecy of the fae. While Ryder is determined to uphold the prophecy at whatever cost, he is conflicted by his love for Syn and his part in the story, although he doesn't really know her part in this story.
Amelia Hutchins has this uncanny ability to get straight to the root of the human psyche, and create complex worlds and make them believable. Her world that she has created has twists and turns that you really don't see coming until its already upon you and get this little bit of a foreboding just before it rears up and smacks you in the face with its intensity.
I am really looking forward to book four, and sinking my teeth a little bit farther into the meat of the story. I can't say how rare it really is for a self published Author and how hard it is for a writer to really make that jump. Am I am SO glad she did, there is nothing out their quite like her style; and call me a little biased; but I'd rather read Amelia's work any day over Karen's.
Both story's have similarities, but in my opinion. While Karen skirts around the Fae and only uses them to thicken the plot. Amelia makes them apart of her plot, apart of the story, and 100% apart of the characters in general.
Pure Talent.
If you haven't read this Series. You NEED to.
Starting with
Book 1 - Fighting Destiny
Book 2 - Taunting Destiny
Book 3 - Escaping Destiny
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