Ridener. Return to
Rating 4.5 Stars
Adult content – Smexy in an animal kind of way!
Family ties are important, anyone can say so. But more so of
those from small towns and close connections; where family isn’t about just
blood. But connections, and relatives, small town secrets.
Ridener packs a punch! Emphasis on pack.
Really I don’t give much stock into “ware” anything theses
days, with so many authors jumping on the band wagon, but I am glad Ridener
did! This second installment makes me long for long nights sitting out the
back porch with a cold sweaty glass of lemonade in my hand and a half naked
cabana boy at my beck and call with a hefty dose of male stripper making animal
sounds for my vast amusement? Was that too much? Naaa.
With the war escalating, I really just kept clinging to Presley and Lorcan’s story. I wanted to scream in frustration,
then yell at the bad guy. Seriously, that guy is pretty messed up in the
head. Im huge in not giving away spoilers. I feel it really ruins the book for
I feel that books in general should be viewed from a clean
and fresh perspective. Following up on the book and coming from a small town
myself. Secrets upon secrets are either surprisingly easy kept, via swept under
the rug of good intentions or kept by the whole town as a huge secret out for
the greater good. Shhh no spoilers right.
Bears and Wolves- Just how much animalistic behavior can
shifters have? No, stop comparing the Sookie Stackhouse series here, people.
This is completely different, we don’t have Sookie cookies running amok and
causing mass mayhem.
Once the truth outs,
and things get pretty hot and heavy. It’s a simple matter of acknowledging the
truth, in which I am anticipating the roof being blown off in the next
installment. Not kidding. I suspect things will go from, oh crap, to Oh
S(*&T! in about 3.2 seconds.
If you haven’t read
these books. You need to!
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on the book tour!
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information on the author.
About the Author
Tonya is a 2004 graduate of Corbin High School, and while she is proud that she has that diploma, her struggle to make it through high school was definitely not easy. Her parents divorced at 15, and she went through a great deal of depression and anxiety-but she survived! A saying that has stuck with her since then is, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', and she is a firm believer in that.
Tonya has always enjoyed writing. At the age of 11, she wrote her first fanfiction that involved the Hansons. At 14, she wrote a horror story that involved all of her 8th grade classmates and the story was so popular among the teens, that by the time the binder made it back to her, it was nearly in tatters. She has written various poetry and essays in her lifetime, one of those poems earned her a $75 prize

Tonya is unmarried, and has no children of her own; but the way she sees it is that her books are her babies and she will continue to pop 'em out at every opportunity!
She loves reading, writing, watching movies and tv, and spending time with her family. She's also self taught with photoshop and video editing. When the holidays roll around, Tonya takes a break from writing to immerse herself in the amazing community of Reddit, where she is the co-founder and co-owner of Random Acts of Christmas. RAoC is an online charity that provides Christmas to children in need. In 2013, their third year open, they gave over $69,000 in toys and clothing to children that otherwise would not have had a Christmas.
Tonya was in JROTC all throughout her high school career, and she also loved singing in choir during her elementary days. She loves all animals, but she's not a big fan of bees or spiders. Her worst fear is debatable; she doesn't really like heights, yet she loves roller coasters, and she's scared of fish. (Don't ask.) Her favorite drink is a toss up between Sweet Tea and coffee

You can find more
information on Rideners books here.
Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/TERidener
Website - http://teridener.webs.com/
Buy the next book
Amazon hardcopy - http://www.amazon.com/Return-Kadenburg-Shifters-2/dp/1497345693/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395460603&sr=1-1&keywords=return+to+kadenburg
Barns and Noble - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/return-to-kadenburg-te-ridener/1118915320?ean=2940149162956